South African Poli…this is a pastry stuffed with coconut, black sesame seed and then deep fried.

Poli is a Indian snack.

Poli is an Indian snack. Savory and sweet in most occasion however you can use meats and veggies in them.

Here is what you will need for the filling…I bought sweetened coconut from the store which will create a soft filling however if you don’t have this available then just add some sugar to your coconut and a touch of condense milk.
2c shredded sweetened coconut, a pinch of cardamon powder, 1t black sesame seeds. Combine all the ingredients and set aside.


Here is what you will need for the pastry…2c all purpose flour, 2/3c of warm milk, 1/2 stick butter, pinch of ground cardamon. Form a crumb with the flour and butter, cardamon and then add the milk just until the dough comes together. Flour a work surface and roll out the dough. Cut circle shapes with a cutter and fill on one side.

Fill and fold the pastry in half, use a fork and press the edges to seal.

Deep fry these puppies up until golden on each side and eat to your hearts content.

South America has Empanadas and South Africa has Poli. Here is the pastry with a meat filling and it tastes like yummy.

South America has Empanadas and South Africa has Poli. Here is the pastry with a meat filling and it tastes like pie…so yummy.

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